Garden first...

This is the cotton so far. Does anyone know if this is progress? It looks fine to me but I'm not sure when it gets the cotton buds.

Here's the woad. It looks like I'll be doing some dyeing later this summer. The indigo is a bust. The squirrels, I believe, have eaten the seeds. I may try one more time. Has anyone grown indigo from seed? I'd love any input.
Remember my knitting to do list? I've actually made progress and may have to start another.
1. Finish gull wing socks for Sockapalooza-u finished heel on 2nd sock, currently turning.
Those have been done-

2. Finish jaywalkers- on 2nd leg OK these need to become UFO's
3. Hat & Booties for navy friends' new baby -Done
4. Felted slippers- for sister in law's birthday -Done

Ok I never showed these before but they are done
5. Felted slippers for another friend She's moving to Florida so I'm changing this to a felted purse
6. Baby blanket for navy friends (different from others)Voila!

7. My sweater- Eventually I'll start this
8. Panta - more for the winter so maybe sometime in August
9. Purse for oldest daughter-Cabin Fever Blue Jean's PurseMy first fair isle project since the knitted felted slippers. I just finished it last night so no pictures yet. I used Knit Picks, Wool of the Andes, in Snickerdoodle, Tan, Chambray, Stream and Winter Night. Pictures to come soon!
10. Crayon box jacket and ruffles scarf to be worked on in between so as not to be UFOs
11. Start clapotisStarted already for Amazing Lace
12. Helen's lace shawleventually
So not too shabby I'm thinking. I'll come up with a revised to do list this week.
For fun I made a Button hole bag from Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Bulky in Brite Blue and Sun Yellow. Here is the pre-felted bag...

I am actually using as my summer purse. So the next set of pics will be in it's current state.
I've never shown my beautiful socks from my Sockapalooza pal. Here they finally are...

I can't wait for some cool weather to show them off but that won't be until maybe October around here in Memphis!
Finally a pic of my loot from my SP8 pal. At least this one is up before the exchange is over!

Those chocolates didn't last a week!
And lastly a picture of my summer roses in bloom!

I hope you enjoyed my picture show. Please deposit all trash in the containers at the exit before leaving...Thank You

The socks, the blanket, the bag - they are all lovely! The rose is absolutely gorgeous - I'd love to plant some roses if we can ever get our yard straightened out. I live in MA and most of my yard is on ledge - not condusive to growing much, but we are working on it :) Have a great day :)
Great photos! I'm looking forward to seeing the bag you made for your dd. I've not done fair isle, but want to give it a shot with something not too complicated. Would the bag qualify?
Thanks for the congrats on my fair win!
I'm so glad my blog home gives you a taste of your old home--only natural since I grew up in Va Beach/Norfolk area and have lived within 50 miles of there my whole life. Hope you'll be able to return to the area soon. Until then, make yourself at home at my blog. :o)
I just wanted to say hi. I wanted to let you know that a package will be making its way to you soon. I wanted to get it to you before I go away for vacation. I hope you have a nice afternoon.
Your Secret Pal.
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