I'll do some knitting stuff first. Before 2007 was officially over, I made these from some Cascade 220...

These match the scarf that I made and the pattern can be found here. I also made these wristwarmers in the Fetching pattern from Knitty

I used some luscious Muench Touch Me for the yarn. I ended up fulling them and they fit perfectly. So nice to have velvety fetching wristwarmers! My first finished object of 2008 is this

I used basic Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride Worsted and the pattern came from Bags: A Knitter's Dozen . Here's a closeup of the cabling detail...

That's the knitting so far. I have a few other projects in the works that I'll post up soon.
C in DC tagged me so here goes:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
1. I was a classic rock DJ in college.
2. I made aspirin in my chem lab last week.
3. I've never been outside of North America.
4. I've lived in 6 states.
5. I want a red pickup truck with XM satellite radio- no gun rack though.
6. I buy lots of makeup but never wear it.
7. I never learned to sew but I can cross stitch and attach buttons (sort of.)
If you have a blog and you are reading me, consider yourself tagged!
On a last note, I am so glad that Spring Training is happening and that the 2007 World Series Red Sox signed this hot dude...

Hey, thanks for coming out of the woodwork. It's good to hear from you. Call me sometime. I have news.
Oh, yum... Mikey Lowell.
Just stopping by to test anonymous commenting. Congrats, your Big Bag invite is on the way.
Hey, you grew up in MA? Me too! Of course, I'm still stuck here. LOL! I'm on Cape Cod.
yay for Mikey -- and yay, too, for all of us here in Red Sox Nation (I don't care what Hank Steinbrenner says) ... glad you're blogging again
The knitting looks great! The bag is really cool. Someday I'll make some Fetching.... I was in Christmas Tree Shop a few weeks ago and thought of you. :)
Hey, thanks for coming out of the woodwork.
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