here is the fair isle purse I knitted for my daughter. The pattern is Cabin Fever's Blue Jeans purse and I knitted in yarn from Knit Pick's. See my post from June 24th fore more info.
For Trek with Me, I started a sock for my friend we visited in Atlanta over 4th of July. Here is my progress on that...

Here is my progress on my Clapotis through all the increases and 1 repeat of the middle section

I never showed my buttonhole bag in its finished state...

It's working well as my summer purse. Very sturdy.
A garden update...
Here are some current pics of the cotton

and woad.
Thank you so much SP8! I love my latest package...

I wish that computers had smellovision so I could share how beautifully fragrant the soaps and candle are. And I know you must like me since you sent me the BLACK lantern moon sheep tape measure. They are very popular. The Lamb's Pride will probably go to either another buttonhole bag or felted slippers. Many thanks again.

TA TA all!!
Hello Lisa,
I am so glad that you liked everything that I sent you. Yes those candles and soap smell uberdelicious. I hope you are enjoying your summer, because I sure am enjoying spoiling you.
Love the trekking socks. What colorway are they? What yarn are you using for clapotis? I'm stalled on mine - it's knit in Noro Silk Garden, and it's way too hot to knit with that now, so I've been working on the Creatures of the Reef shawl. I might actually have a FO for the Amazing Lace.
Some day I'll have to try a clapotis. Looking forward to more photos.
From the "L" five above you on the Amazing Lace list,
Li in Vancouver, BC
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