Here's my excuse if you care to read it. I came down with some very nasty viral thing that lasted from Holy Thursday until the Thursday 2 weeks later. Big yuck! Maybe it was the flu, in which case the money I spent on the flu shot was a big waste. The last few days have been spent reorganizing my life, the family and the disaster that was my home. So now that I'm as back on track as I'll ever be (and that's not saying much)...
I've mailed my sockapalooza's pal socks and I really hope she likes them. It's the first pair that I've ever knit for anyone outside of the family and without the chance to test them on the recipient. Keep your fingers crossed

All planted finally. Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers got planted on Monday. Corn and zucchini got planted on April 23rd. The cotton is doing great. The woad finally appeared and is growing. The indigo tanked and I had to replant, which I did on May 1st, so the verdict is still out on that. So hopefully the summer natural dyeing may still occur.
Pictures of my recent projects and the garden will hopefully be up soon. So dear (5) readers, I ma back. Please tell me where you're from on my nifty map to the left

Glad you're back and feeling better. I've missed you.
Lisa, I can't wait to see what the results are from your natural dyeing (I'm dying to see them!! ... heehee) glad you have the blog , as I'll be on the other side of the country by then....
Glad the nasty bug has left your house!
Hi Lisa! Thanks for the package! I really love the pattern you used- I was admiring those socks in my copy of the book. :) You were so thoughtful to send extra goodies, too! I really appreciate all the time and effort you spent on the socks. They're really pretty.
Lisa- Suprise, it's me, your sock pal. I've been searching (fruitlessly and aimlessly) for a post card from where I'm from. I've given up. I guess our town has no pride.
Your socks will be sent to you Monday AM Priority Mail. I hope you enjoy!
Dear pal,
I just wanted to say that you are matched up, and I just can't wait to spoil you :) I'm excited!
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