*If you live in TN
*If you have ever lived in TN
*If you've ever visited TN
*If you have relatives or friends in TN
*If you ever wanted to visit Graceland
*If you like BBQ
*If you like country music
*If you like the blues
If you qualify for any of the above- you're in! Leave your name in the comments and I'll post you under the Team TN button. If you didn't get it, the list is a bit Memphis oriented since that's where I live. But anything TN related works.
I have my nifty guest map link up but it's only me up there

My friend arrives tomorrow so things might be quiet for postings since we'll be busy doing girl stuff. I'm also nuts because I'm registering my oldest daughter for high school classes. I'm trying to make sure she covers all of the requirements for the high school here and back in Virginia Beach since we'll be moving back there(hopefully!) in 2 years and that's where she'll actually graduate. Very overwhelming!
The jaywalkers are moving along. I have about 3-4 inches of the leg pattern. I was hoping to be up to the heel flap by Thursday but I doubt it. That means that as of Friday at 1pm central time, they'll be put aside for my Olympics entry-Charlotte's Web shawl.
Secret Pal-I'll let you know when my box(es) arrive(s). Hopefully the US mail gets it right this time!
Hey there - I live in Munford but wort at UT in Memphis. I've joined the Knitting Olympics so please add me to your Team - I've lived in Tennessee since I was 6 - my dad was retired Navy - so I guess I'm a 50+ Navy Brat.
Hurray for your buttons!! Good luck in the olympics. Cannot wait to see your Jaywalkers!
Amanda :)
Hey, I'm glad to learn there is a team TN. I'm on the other side of the state, Knoxville, but that's still in TN last I checked. I'm a grad student at UTK so I need my knitting to keep sane. I'm knitting Kiri in a red italian cashmerino yarn. Pretty olympic, dontcha think? I'm a real newbie at this blog thing, but I'm blogging along at www.beadntat.blogspot.com come check it out!
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