BTW-Secret Pal...

Sockapalooza- I'm planning on making the Embossed Leaves Socks from Interweave Knits winter 2005 in Regia 4 ply in a denim color- #5160 to get technical. I'm hoping to start them after the Knitting Olympics and after my jaywalkers or March 1st, whichever comes first.
My Virginia knitting buds- go on my map and check in-yeeesh!
It's is supposed to be very nasty weather for Memphis tomorrow-sleet, ice and general winter weather that the mid south is just not equipped for. So family and I have plenty of wood, have charged up the camping lanterns and I plan to spend a good portion of the day making Charlotte grow-up to row 80 as of this evening.

Hello Lisa.....
I'm enjoying your blog and have placed my pin on your map....Jeff's been in contact with Ken and it looks like I'll be posting a pin on Japan sometime this summer. Start your shopping list:).....NORO, maybe?????
Hi Lisa - thanks for your comments on my blog! We've lived in a lot of the same places--I grew up in Virginia and have lived in California and Massachusetts, and my sweetie's from Clarksville so I kind of feel like I have some Tennessee in my blood, too :)
Just checkin' in - fellow TN Olympic knitter - I FINISHED!! - mostly due to the icy weather we got last weekend - it was probably a little worse up in Munford where I live maybe than it was in Memphis. Thanks for sponsoring the TN Team!!
Bluetiful yarn color. Lucky sock pal!
Thanks for the poll. I picked "sweater". I think I was the only one so far.
You did not include hats, which is my favorite thing to knit cause they're so fast, easy, and there are endless possibilities. I almost never get tired of my project before I can finish it :)
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