Been a busy week. Our friends in Norfolk had a baby boy. He will be the recipient of the baby hat (which I designed-my first

I started the other baby blanket from Stitch 'n Bitch and have about 8 inches total done. But I messed up. After knitting 18 rows in seed stitch I realized I cast on 120 stitches, not 126. So I've altered the pattern slightly. I really didn't feel like frogging so I reduced the pattern to kep it the same, the blanket is just a little less wide. Shoot me

The garden is not going as planned. After planting 2 rows of lettuce and 1 of radishes, I have 1 stinking sprout, 1 measly radish sprout. The weather's been fine, the tornadoes were well north of us. I watered every morning but only on mist. I bet the water didn't absorb well into the soil. So I bet I'm replanting most of that. Meanwhile I get to hear hubby mutter about busting his a** setting up the garden and how much of HIS money we've spent for a large patch of dirt. I personally thought his a** was mighty cute with the rototiller. A man with a large power tool- oh yeah!
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