Lots of knitting news. First, sockapalooza gull wing socks are finished. Yay! The hat and baby booties are also finished!! I have added the baby kimono from
Mason-Dixon Knitting which is just a wonderful book and I am halfway through that. Pictures to come on those soon but I don't disappoint on that score today. The lettuce and radishes are in the garden. So productive week all in all.
Now for Flash your stash...
This was scary. But I'm more organized than I thought. Most of my yarn isn't random. I really do have an intended project for it. Not that I remember what all these projects are!

This one is for a Lily Chin scarf that might just be changed over to a sweater instead.

I LOVE my booga bag and want to make more so that's what this Noro is for, except instead of 3, I have 6 of the same color. I bought it twice in different LYSs so that may become something else.

These are for another crayon box jacket. I like the colors better and NO fur.

I once made a 76 stitches hat from an old issue of Interweave from Lopi Lite. This Manos is for another one. It's what they made the original with.

This is the Knit Picks yarn for the baby blanket.

These are some Lorna's Lace to make some clapotis scarves.

Here's some more Knit Picks to make a shawl.

My friend, Tanya, got me these skeins of STR and the pattern from last year's Maryland Sheep and Wool.

Some Lorna's Lace, Helen's Lace, intended for the shawl pattern on the ball band.

This is some beautiful Dune for a scarf.

This is the Brown Sheep Bulky that I'll be using for the felted slippers for my sister in law and my friend.

I have 2 scarves planned for this yarn, now I need to remember the patterns!

I was planning on making a blanket from Knit1 from this Lion Brand pile. Now I'm not so sure.
My sock stash is rather big but not of epic proportions(yet). Here is the Lorna's Lace group.

I really do have 2 skeins of each color.

This is a mix of Knit Picks and Mountain Colors. I have a group of skeins of solid colors, a mish mash of Knit Picks, Brown Sheep and others.

Here's some Cascade Fixation, Wildfoote and some yarn dyed by a local woman in Virginia Beach from Ewe Knits and Kits.

And lastly for socks, my striped palette.

I do actually like knitting dishcloths to try out neew stitch patterns. I actually use them as doilies around the house. So for that purpose I have some Lily Sugar and Cream Cotton.

I have a Koigu stash that I don't include with my socks because those are for some more water bottle slings.

Here's some yarn for my blue period, whenever that comes around.

I have some mohair, for what reason or pattern , I don't remember.

The Lamb's Pride Worsted has a felting purpose that is waiting to be discovered.

The Lion Brand group has no purpose but is the result of several sales at Michael's and A.C. Moore.

My secret pal,
Elspeth, gave me this lovely group of Cascade Quattro.

The Paton's stash was originally intended for a hat. It may go for more felting projects. List under"undecided."

Another reason why the crayon box jacket has become an expensive UFO, is the tangled mess the yarns are in, hence the bad picture.

I really love the pattern but I'm thinking the black, red, and gold, plus the furry aspect, is going to make me look fat, dumpy and matronly.
Here's my baby yarn stash. I'm using the grass green color for the baby hat and booties gift.

Ok now I know everyone has gone crazy with the novelty yarns and I am no exception. So if you just can't take the heat, scroll quickly past this shot of my novelty/scarf yarn.

I apologize for the plethora of fun fur. It was fun while it lasted.
To conclude this journey of most of my yarn stash I give you the Brown Sheep Cotton Lupine that at some point I will be using to knit my first sweater.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. You probably won't see this many pictures on this blog for a long time! If my husband happens to read this and you see him, administer oxygen and sympathy. He'll need it. Remind him he goes back on sea duty in about 2 short years. That always brings a smile to him!