Ikept the Regia 4 ply denim but changed patterns. Seems like everyone in Sockapalooza is doing Embossed Leaves Socks from Interweave Knits winter 2005. So I've switched to Gullwings from Socks, Socks, Socks. I've got the cuff done and am on the leg pattern on the first sock. I'm really loving it.
This has been going around on Knitter's Review.

You are Mercerized Cotton.
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That is too bad about your Jaywalkers. I am sure after a break from them you should be able to get the second sock...
Amanda :)
I'm having problems with my Jaywalkers as well. I'm not sure whether it's the pattern or the yarn (Socks that Rock), though. I'm not doing Embossed Leaves for Sockapaloooza, but Pomatomus! Good luck on your socks!
Hey Lisa!! Knitnight was here at my place tonight and Tanya said that you had done the Knit Olympics. Thus, I had to visit and see what you'd done. Post pics of your shawl!!
Fab job on making all the buttons -- are you creating the animated ones, too?
Congrats on the Gold!
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