Lots going on in knitland. My dogs days of summer partner had some personal crises and my swap came late. I did get some great yarn

but the swap people felt bad for me and Pecan Nut sent me another package to make up for it. Check out my new dishcloth...

and some great yarn...

. Thanks so much I love everything.
Speaking of the dishcloth exchange... I'm a bit behind the questions so I'm going to catch up right now!
Now that in some geographic locations the weather is starting to turn cooler, do you change the type of yarn(s) you knit/crochet with? This is Memphis- that means that its finally below 100 degrees on a regular basis. We don't see cooler weather until Halloween and maybe even to US Thanksgiving. All that means for me is that I'll knit outdoors away from the A/C (that's how I knit all that stuff this summer, Tanya- in the A/C under a fan!)
When you knit or crochet dishclothes, washclothes or face clothes, what do you use? I'm usually between a 5 to a 7 needle and I usually use circs because they're easy to travel with. I'm usually knitting during my 2 hour break between classes so I need small, portable projects to fit in with my 20 pounds of textbooks! Is there a particular yarn you love and use all the time for cloths? I use Lily Sugar N Cream because that's what's available in my local Michaels and Hobby Lobby.
Autumn has now officially begun here in the States!! What is your favorite thing about Autumn/Fall? Why? Mountain Day!- oh wait I'm not at Smith anymore...damn...anyways it was break from classes that was declared by the president of the college and bells rang all over campus to announce it. We never knew when it was. I miss fall in New England- there's nothing like it but fall now means it's time for the 4 month house decorating season- fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I furnish my house ala Christmas Tree Shops thanks to living in Newport for a year and my mom who regularly sends stuff.
Addie and Maria- if you're reading this...stop...go away....
Ok well, I've finished the first Christmas present- socks for Addie-

These are the small columns socks from Sensational Knitted Socks. I used some Shepherd Sock in Somerset from Lorna's Laces. Remember my UFO Jaywalker's? They're becoming Maria's Christmas gift. I only have the gusset and the foot of the second sock to finish and I know she'll like the colors. There's that present solved. Anyone else knitting for the holidays??
Ok, here's my truly weird knitting for you.