Accent--Used to be very Boston but I've lost it over the years and the frequent Navy moves
Book I like--anything by Diana Gabaldon, Janet Evanovich, Nora Roberts classics-Gone With The Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird
Chore I don't care for--Most of them.
Dog or cat--one black and white old girl cat.
Essential electronics--Computer and TV
Favorite movie--Princess Bride, Gone With the Wind, Harry Potters, all Star Wars, Romancing the Stone
Gold or silver--Gold
Handbag I carry most often--Right now it's the buttonhole bag
Job title--???eBay lister??
Kids--2 daughters 14 & 10 1/2
Living arrangements--House.
Most memorable moment/time--College
Naughtiest childhood behavior--Lying through my teeth
Overnight hospital stay--5 different ones
Phobias--heights, snakes
Quote--Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit - what
a ride!"
Religion--Roman Catholic
Siblings--only child
Time I wake up--school starts next week so 6:45
Unusual talent--I got nothing....
Vegetable I refuse to eat--acorn squash, olives
Worst habit--needing to talk all the time-can't enjoy the silence
Xrays--Teeth and a few broken/sprained bones.
Yummy stuff I cook(or make)--Lasagna, Christmas cookies, bread
Zoo animals I like most--Pandas, big cats
Consider yourself tagged if you wanna play!
Now for the laugh for those who know me... I'm going to try
this. Ok I should start a pool as to what week I forget and/or ditch this plan. But in all honesty the last 2 years for the holidays have just not meant a lot for assorted reasons. So I'm hoping by playing along with this plan, even if I ditch it, I get way into the spirit this year.