Hello my few readers! So I ran away for a few months- what of it??
Here's a quick knitting summary from August on...I finished the Clapotis and Lorna's Lace's Lion and Lamb is my yarnoin addiction now. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!

I also did a LOT of Christmas gift knitting. I made 2 sets of 3 nesting felted boxes from Mason-Dixon Knitting (I adore that book), a pair of socks from Sock That Rock yarn for my brother in law using Knitty's
RPM pattern, 2 hats in Patriot's colors for my other brother and sister in law using Fiber Trend's
School Colors Hatpattern, and a pair of
Bev's Stay on Booties for a Navy friend. I also have been working on a pair of socks for my sister in law and finished one for Christmas but still have to finish the other one.
I started another blog to keep me honest. As you might have noticed, I have a weight loss ticker at the top. I need to lose body weight AND stash weight. So to that end I started
Yarn Dieter to help me out. Go check it out and join me.
My next post will have my 2007 goals. If I don't get this junk up publicly, I'll never get anything done!!
PS Tanya- what is Patty's blog- don't think I have the address TY