Well the year didn't start off so bright...my father passed away very suddenly in January and I've been putting myself back together since then.
But here are some pictures at last! My mom's cabled pillow(pattern courtesy of
Plymouth Yarns
and the Ann Norling Fruit Cap in raspberry and green for my niece. I'm currently at work on the Einstein coat from The Knit Stitch by Sally Melville.
Any spinners in the Hampton Roads area? The next Southeastern Virginia Spinning Guild Meeting is on Tuesday, April 5th at 6:00 pm at Great Bridge Presbyterian Church, 333 Cedar Road in Chesapeake. I'm going with a group of friends now. They welcome everyone- experienced, average, beginners or even those who just want to knit!
So I am now moving to the Memphis, Tennessee area in the summer due to the husband's job. I would love to hear from anyone about knitting groups and stores in the area.
Let's see if I can update this thing more than once a month!